Fold Report
Fold Report: Fields
Name |
Data Type |
Name of Sample |
str |
Name of Reference |
str |
Name of Region |
str |
Name of Profile |
str |
Quantile for normalizing ratios; must be in [0, 1] |
float |
Temperature at which to predict structures (in Kelvin) |
float |
Maximum distance between two paired bases in predicted structures (use 0 for no limit) |
int |
Predict only the minimum free energy (MFE) structure, without any suboptimal structures |
bool |
Maximum number of predicted structures |
int |
Maximum % difference in energy between suboptimal structures |
float |
Branches |
list[str] |
Time Began |
str |
Time Ended |
str |
Time Taken (minutes) |
float |
Version of SEISMIC-RNA |
str |
Fold Report: Example
"Name of Sample": "ldi",
"Name of Reference": "sars2_1799",
"Name of Region": "third",
"Name of Profile": "fse__average",
"Quantile for normalizing ratios; must be in [0, 1]": 0.95,
"Temperature at which to predict structures (in Kelvin)": 310.15,
"Maximum distance between two paired bases in predicted structures (use 0 for no limit)": 0,
"Predict only the minimum free energy (MFE) structure, without any suboptimal structures": false,
"Maximum number of predicted structures": 20,
"Maximum % difference in energy between suboptimal structures": 20.0,
"Branches": [],
"Time Began": "2023-12-29 at 22:10:46",
"Time Ended": "2023-12-29 at 22:10:53",
"Time Taken (minutes)": 0.12,
"Version of SEISMIC-RNA": "0.10.0"