Bugs and Requests
Found a bug or have a suggestion for improving SEISMIC-RNA? We welcome your feedback!
How to give feedback
Navigate to the Issues Page for SEISMIC-RNA on GitHub.
Check if someone has already opened a similar issue! If so, you’re welcome to add your feedback to the discussion thread. We ask that you please avoid opening a new issue that duplicates an existing issue, as that creates more work for us, which ultimately makes it take longer for us to respond to your feedback.
Click “New Issue” and give your issue a title and description using as much detail as possible (see the guidelines below).
Click “Submit new issue”.
We’ll reply to you as soon as possible. Thanks for your feedback!
Guidelines for reporting bugs and other problems
If you’re reporting a problem, please let us know at least the following information:
the exact command you were running when the problem occurred
what the program did – including, when relevant, what files it wrote, what the contents of those files were, and what messages it logged (especially warnings and errors)
what you expected the program to do, and/or how its behavior deviated from your expectations
which version of SEISMIC-RNA you are running
what operating system you are using, and how much memory (RAM) and how many processors (CPUs or GPUs) your system has
Guidelines for requesting new features and other enhancements
If you’re requesting an enhancement (such as a new feature) that does not entail fixing something that is broken in the current software, please let us know at least the following information:
the purpose of the enhancement, and why it would be useful
a detailed description of the enhancement
at least one example of how you would run the software if it had this enhancement, including specific commands and a description of any input/output files and logging messages, where relevant