Brickle: Compressed Python Objects
Brickle file: Content format
Brickle is not technically a data format. It is rather a file containing a pickled Python object that has been compressed with brotli. The name “brickle” can be a
portmanteau of “brotli” and “pickle”
suggestion that the file is supposed to contain a Python object that has been compressed into a dense brick of data
deliberate misspelling of a neighborhood in Miami, FL
As a brickle file can contain any Python object, the structure of the object’s data itself is of more interest than the file format. See Data Structures for information on the data structures.
Brickle file: Path format
Brickle file extensions
SEISMIC-RNA accepts the following extensions for brickle files:
Brickle path parsing
Brickle files use a variety of path structures throughout SEISMIC-RNA.
They are most commonly used to store batches of data, in which case the
file name follows the format {btype}-batch-{bnum}.brickle
, where
is the type of the batch and {bnum}
is the number of the
batch (the first batch in each set is numbered 0).
Brickle file: Uses
Brickle as input file
Brickle files are not explicitly passed as input files via the command line, but when a report file that is associated with brickle files is passed as an input file, the brickle files will be read. This process happens during the following commands:
Brickle as output file
, andcluster
commands all output brickle files containing data along with their report files.
Brickle as temporary file
Brickle files are not used as temporary files by any command.