seismicrna.graph package


class seismicrna.graph.abundance.ClusterAbundanceGraph(*, table: Table | PositionTable | AbundanceTable, **kwargs)

Bases: OneTableGraph

Abundance of each cluster.

property col_tracks
property data

Data of the graph.

property details

Additional details about the graph.


Data traces of the graph.

classmethod graph_kind()

Kind of graph.

property path_subject

Subject of the graph.

property predicate

Predicate of the graph.

property row_tracks
classmethod what()

What is being graphed.

property x_title

Title of the x-axis.

property y_title

Title of the y-axis.

class seismicrna.graph.abundance.ClusterAbundanceRunner

Bases: OneTableRunner, AbundanceTableRunner

classmethod get_writer_type()

Type of Writer.

classmethod run(*args, **kwargs)

Run graphing.

class seismicrna.graph.abundance.ClusterAbundanceWriter(table: Table, **kwargs)

Bases: OneTableWriter


Return a graph instance.


Yield every graph.

class seismicrna.graph.aucroll.RollingAUCGraph(*, struct_file: Path | None, struct_reg: str | None, branch: str, **kwargs)

Bases: StructOneTableGraph, RollingGraph

property data

Data of the graph.


Data traces of the graph.

classmethod graph_kind()

Kind of graph.

property profile_names

Names of the profiles as they appear in the data.

classmethod what()

What is being graphed.

property y_title

Title of the y-axis.

class seismicrna.graph.aucroll.RollingAUCRunner

Bases: RollingRunner, StructOneTableRunner, PositionTableRunner

classmethod get_writer_type()

Type of Writer.

classmethod run(*args, **kwargs)

Run graphing.

class seismicrna.graph.aucroll.RollingAUCWriter(table: Table, **kwargs)

Bases: StructOneTableWriter, TableWriter

get_graph(rels_group: str, **kwargs)

Return a graph instance.

class seismicrna.graph.base.Annotation(row: int, col: int, x: float, y: float, text: str, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Text annotation in a graph.

class seismicrna.graph.base.BaseGraph

Bases: ABC

Base class for all types of graphs.

property annotations: list[Annotation]

Text annotations for the figure.

abstract property branches: dict[str, str]

Branches of the workflow.

property data: DataFrame

Data of the graph.

property details: list[str]

Additional details about the graph.

property figure

Figure object.

get_path(ext: str)

Path to the output file of the graph.


Path fields.

classmethod get_path_segs()

Path segments.

abstractmethod get_traces() Iterable[tuple[tuple[int, int], Trace]]

Data traces of the graph.

property graph_filename

Name of the graph’s output file, without its extension.

abstractmethod classmethod graph_kind() str

Kind of graph.

abstract property path_subject: str

Subject of the graph.

property predicate: list[str]

Predicate of the graph.

abstract property ref: str

Name of the reference sequence from which the data come.

abstract property reg: str

Name of the reference region from which the data come.

abstract property sample: str

Name(s) of the sample(s) from which the data come.

abstract property seq: DNA

Sequence of the region from which the data come.

property title

Title of the graph.

abstract property title_action_sample: str

Action and sample for the title.

abstract property top: Path

Path of the top-level output directory for all files.

abstractmethod classmethod what() str

What is being graphed.

write(csv: bool, html: bool, svg: bool, pdf: bool, png: bool, force: bool = False)

Write the selected files.

write_csv(force: bool)

Write the graph’s source data to a CSV file.

write_html(force: bool)

Write the graph to an HTML file.

write_pdf(force: bool)

Write the graph to a PDF file.

write_png(force: bool)

Write the graph to a PNG file.

write_svg(force: bool)

Write the graph to an SVG file.

abstract property x_title: str

Title of the x-axis.

abstract property y_title: str

Title of the y-axis.

class seismicrna.graph.base.BaseRunner

Bases: ABC

abstractmethod classmethod get_input_loader() Callable[[Iterable, Any], Generator]

Function to load input files.

classmethod get_var_params() list[Argument | Option]

Parameters that can vary among different classes.

abstractmethod classmethod get_writer_type() type[BaseWriter]

Type of Writer.

classmethod load_input_files(input_path: Iterable[str | Path], **kwargs)

Find, filter, and load all input files.

classmethod params() list[Argument | Option]

Parameters for the command line.

abstractmethod classmethod run(*args, **kwargs) list[Path]

Run graphing.

classmethod universal_input_params()

Universal parameters controlling the input data.

classmethod universal_output_params()

Universal parameters controlling the output graph.

class seismicrna.graph.base.BaseWriter

Bases: ABC

Write the proper type(s) of graph.

abstractmethod iter_graphs(*args, **kwargs) Generator[BaseGraph, None, None]

Yield every graph.

write(*args, csv: bool, html: bool, svg: bool, pdf: bool, png: bool, force: bool, **kwargs)

Generate and write every type of graph.

seismicrna.graph.base.get_action_name(source: MutsDataset | Table)
seismicrna.graph.base.make_path_subject(action: str, k: int | None, clust: int | None)
seismicrna.graph.base.make_title_action_sample(action: str, sample: str)
class seismicrna.graph.cgroup.ClusterGroupGraph

Bases: BaseGraph, ABC

Graph in which clusters can be placed in subplots.

property col_titles

Titles of the columns.

abstract property col_tracks: list[tuple[int, int]] | None

Track for each column of subplots.

property ncols

Number of columns of subplots.

property nrows

Number of rows of subplots.

property row_titles

Titles of the rows.

abstract property row_tracks: list[tuple[int, int]] | None

Track for each row of subplots.

class seismicrna.graph.cgroup.ClusterGroupRunner

Bases: BaseRunner, ABC

classmethod get_var_params()

Parameters that can vary among different classes.

seismicrna.graph.cgroup.cgroup_table(source: Dataset | Table, cgroup: str)
seismicrna.graph.cgroup.get_ks(source: Dataset | Table)

List the numbers of clusters for a source of data.

seismicrna.graph.cgroup.get_ks_clusts(source: Dataset | Table)

List the clusters for a source of data.

seismicrna.graph.cgroup.make_tracks(source: Dataset | Table, k: int | None, clust: int | None, **kwargs)

Make an index for the rows or columns of a graph.

class seismicrna.graph.color.ColorMap(name: str, **kwargs)

Bases: ABC

Color map for a graph.

get(item: Hashable, default: Any | None = None)
abstractmethod get_default_color() str

Default color.

class seismicrna.graph.color.ColorMapGraph(*, cmap: str | None = None, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseGraph, ABC

Graph with an explicit color map.

property cmap: ColorMap

Color map of the graph.

abstractmethod classmethod get_cmap_type() type[ColorMap]

Type of the color map.

class seismicrna.graph.color.RelColorMap(name: str, v: str, n: str, e: str, m: str, d: str, i: str, s: str, a: str, c: str, g: str, t: str, x: str)

Bases: ColorMap

Color map for relationships.


Default color.

class seismicrna.graph.color.SeqColorMap(name: str, a: str, c: str, g: str, t: str, n: str)

Bases: ColorMap

Color map for bases A, C, G, and T.


Default color.

seismicrna.graph.color.get_cmap(cmap_class: type[ColorMap], name: str | None = None)

Get a color map of a given class by its name.

seismicrna.graph.color.get_colormaps(cmap_class: type[ColorMap])

Return a dict of all color maps of a given class.

class seismicrna.graph.corroll.RollingCorrelationGraph(*, metric: str, **kwargs)

Bases: TwoTableMergedClusterGroupGraph, OneRelGraph, RollingGraph

property details

Additional details about the graph.

classmethod graph_kind()

Kind of graph.

property predicate

Predicate of the graph.

classmethod what()

What is being graphed.

property y_title

Title of the y-axis.

class seismicrna.graph.corroll.RollingCorrelationRunner

Bases: TwoTableRelClusterGroupRunner, RollingRunner, PositionTableRunner

classmethod get_var_params()

Parameters that can vary among different classes.

classmethod get_writer_type()

Type of Writer.

classmethod run(*args, **kwargs)

Run graphing.

class seismicrna.graph.corroll.RollingCorrelationWriter(table1: Table, table2: Table, **kwargs)

Bases: TwoTableRelClusterGroupWriter

classmethod get_graph_type()

Type of graph.

class seismicrna.graph.dataset.DatasetGraph(*, dataset: MutsDataset, num_cpus: int, **kwargs)

Bases: OneRelGraph, OneSourceClusterGroupGraph, ABC

Graph based on one Dataset.

property action

Action that generated the data.

property branches

Branches of the workflow.

property details

Additional details about the graph.

property path_subject

Subject of the graph.

property pattern

Relationship pattern for the graph.

property predicate

Predicate of the graph.

property ref

Name of the reference sequence from which the data come.

property reg

Name of the reference region from which the data come.

property sample

Name(s) of the sample(s) from which the data come.

property seq

Sequence of the region from which the data come.

property title_action_sample

Action and sample for the title.

property top

Path of the top-level output directory for all files.

class seismicrna.graph.dataset.DatasetRunner

Bases: RelRunner, ClusterGroupRunner, ABC

classmethod get_input_loader()

Function to load input files.

classmethod get_var_params()

Parameters that can vary among different classes.

abstractmethod classmethod get_writer_type() type[DatasetWriter]

Type of Writer.

classmethod run(input_path: Iterable[str | Path], *, verify_times: bool, num_cpus: int, **kwargs)

Run graphing.

class seismicrna.graph.dataset.DatasetWriter(*, dataset: MutsDataset, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseWriter, ABC

abstractmethod get_graph(*args, **kwargs) DatasetGraph

Return a graph instance.

iter_graphs(*, rels: list[str], cgroup: str, **kwargs)

Yield every graph.

class seismicrna.graph.delprof.DeltaProfileGraph(*, k1: int | None, clust1: int | None, k2: int | None, clust2: int | None, **kwargs)

Bases: TwoTableMergedClusterGroupGraph, OneRelGraph, ColorMapGraph

classmethod get_cmap_type()

Type of the color map.

classmethod graph_kind()

Kind of graph.

classmethod what()

What is being graphed.

property x_title: str

Title of the x-axis.

property y_title

Title of the y-axis.

class seismicrna.graph.delprof.DeltaProfileRunner

Bases: TwoTableRelClusterGroupRunner, PositionTableRunner

classmethod get_writer_type()

Type of Writer.

classmethod run(*args, **kwargs)

Run graphing.

class seismicrna.graph.delprof.DeltaProfileWriter(table1: Table, table2: Table, **kwargs)

Bases: TwoTableRelClusterGroupWriter

classmethod get_graph_type()

Type of graph.

class seismicrna.graph.giniroll.RollingGiniGraph(*, table: Table | PositionTable | AbundanceTable, **kwargs)

Bases: RollingStatGraph

classmethod graph_kind()

Kind of graph.

classmethod stat_func()

Function to compute a statistic on the data.

classmethod what()

What is being graphed.

property y_title

Title of the y-axis.

class seismicrna.graph.giniroll.RollingGiniRunner

Bases: RollingStatRunner

classmethod get_writer_type()

Type of Writer.

classmethod run(*args, **kwargs)

Run graphing.

class seismicrna.graph.giniroll.RollingGiniWriter(table: Table, **kwargs)

Bases: RollingStatWriter

classmethod get_graph_type()

Type of graph.

class seismicrna.graph.hist.HistogramGraph(*, hist_bins: int, hist_margin: float, **kwargs)

Bases: OneTableRelClusterGroupGraph, MultiRelsGraph, ColorMapGraph, ABC

Histogram of relationship(s) in one table.

property data

Data of the graph.

property data_header

Header of the selected data (not of the entire table).

get_bounds(data: DataFrame)

Get the lower and upper bounds of the histogram.

classmethod get_cmap_type()

Type of the color map.

get_edges(data: DataFrame)

Get the edges of the histogram bins.


Data traces of the graph.

property x_title

Title of the x-axis.

class seismicrna.graph.hist.HistogramRunner

Bases: OneTableRelClusterGroupRunner, ABC

classmethod get_var_params()

Parameters that can vary among different classes.

class seismicrna.graph.hist.HistogramWriter(table: Table, **kwargs)

Bases: OneTableRelClusterGroupWriter, ABC

get_graph(rels_group: str, **kwargs)

Return a graph instance.

abstractmethod classmethod get_graph_type() type[HistogramGraph]

Type of graph.

seismicrna.graph.hist.get_edges_index(edges: ndarray, use_ratio: bool)

Generate an index for the edges of histogram bins.

  • edges (numpy.ndarray) – Edges of histogram bins.

  • use_ratio (bool) – Assume the edges represent ratios rather than counts.


Index for the edges.

Return type:

pandas.Index | pandas.MultiIndex

class seismicrna.graph.histpos.PositionHistogramGraph(*, hist_bins: int, hist_margin: float, **kwargs)

Bases: HistogramGraph

classmethod graph_kind()

Kind of graph.

classmethod what()

What is being graphed.

property y_title

Title of the y-axis.

class seismicrna.graph.histpos.PositionHistogramRunner

Bases: HistogramRunner, PositionTableRunner

classmethod get_writer_type()

Type of Writer.

classmethod run(*args, **kwargs)

Run graphing.

class seismicrna.graph.histpos.PositionHistogramWriter(table: Table, **kwargs)

Bases: HistogramWriter, TableWriter

classmethod get_graph_type()

Type of graph.

class seismicrna.graph.histread.ReadHistogramGraph(*, hist_bins: int, hist_margin: float, **kwargs)

Bases: HistogramGraph

classmethod graph_kind()

Kind of graph.

classmethod what()

What is being graphed.

property y_title

Title of the y-axis.

class seismicrna.graph.histread.ReadHistogramRunner

Bases: HistogramRunner, ReadTableRunner

classmethod get_writer_type()

Type of Writer.

classmethod run(*args, **kwargs)

Run graphing.

class seismicrna.graph.histread.ReadHistogramWriter(table: Table, **kwargs)

Bases: HistogramWriter, TableWriter

classmethod get_graph_type()

Type of graph.

class seismicrna.graph.mutdist.MutationDistanceGraph(*, mutdist_null: bool, **kwargs)

Bases: DatasetGraph, ColorMapGraph

Distance between the closest two mutations in each read.

property data

Data of the graph.

property g_test

G-test statistic and P-value.

classmethod get_cmap_type()

Type of the color map.


Data traces of the graph.

classmethod graph_kind()

Kind of graph.

property hists
property loc_clusters
property max_read_length
property row_tracks

Track for each row of subplots.

property table
property tabulator
classmethod what()

What is being graphed.

property x_title

Title of the x-axis.

property y_title

Title of the y-axis.

class seismicrna.graph.mutdist.MutationDistanceRunner

Bases: DatasetRunner

classmethod get_var_params()

Parameters that can vary among different classes.

classmethod get_writer_type()

Type of Writer.

classmethod run(*args, **kwargs)

Run graphing.

class seismicrna.graph.mutdist.MutationDistanceWriter(*, dataset: MutsDataset, **kwargs)

Bases: DatasetWriter

get_graph(rel, **kwargs)

Return a graph instance.

seismicrna.graph.mutdist.get_null_name(name: str)
class seismicrna.graph.onesource.OneSourceClusterGroupGraph(*, k: int | None, clust: int | None, **kwargs)

Bases: OneSourceGraph, ClusterGroupGraph, ABC

property path_subject

Subject of the graph.

class seismicrna.graph.onesource.OneSourceGraph

Bases: BaseGraph, ABC

Graph of data from one source of data (Dataset or Table).

property action: str

Action that generated the data.

property col_tracks
property title_action_sample

Action and sample for the title.

class seismicrna.graph.onestruct.StructOneTableGraph(*, struct_file: Path | None, struct_reg: str | None, branch: str, **kwargs)

Bases: OneTableRelClusterGroupGraph, OneRelGraph, ABC

Graph of data from one Table applied to RNA structure(s).

property branches

Branches of the workflow.


Path fields.


Yield each RNAProfile from the table.


Yield each RNAState.

property path_subject

Subject of the graph.

property struct_reg

Name of the region from which the structure comes.

class seismicrna.graph.onestruct.StructOneTableRunner

Bases: OneTableRelClusterGroupRunner, ABC

classmethod get_input_loader()

Function to load input files.

classmethod get_var_params()

Parameters that can vary among different classes.

class seismicrna.graph.onestruct.StructOneTableWriter(table: Table, **kwargs)

Bases: OneTableRelClusterGroupWriter, ABC

iter_graphs(*, rels: list[str], cgroup: str, struct_file: Iterable[str | Path] = (), branch: str = '', fold_coords: Iterable[tuple[str, int, int]] = (), fold_primers: Iterable[tuple[str, DNA, DNA]] = (), fold_regions_file: str | None = None, fold_full: bool = True, **kwargs)

Yield every graph.

class seismicrna.graph.onetable.OneTableGraph(*, table: Table | PositionTable | AbundanceTable, **kwargs)

Bases: TableGraph, OneSourceGraph, ABC

Graph of data from one Table.

property action

Action that generated the data.

property branches

Branches of the workflow.

property ref

Name of the reference sequence from which the data come.

property reg

Name of the reference region from which the data come.

property sample

Name(s) of the sample(s) from which the data come.

property seq

Sequence of the region from which the data come.

property top

Path of the top-level output directory for all files.

class seismicrna.graph.onetable.OneTableRelClusterGroupGraph(*, table: Table | PositionTable | AbundanceTable, **kwargs)

Bases: OneTableGraph, RelTableGraph, OneSourceClusterGroupGraph, ABC

property row_tracks

Track for each row of subplots.

class seismicrna.graph.onetable.OneTableRelClusterGroupRunner

Bases: OneTableRunner, RelTableRunner, ClusterGroupRunner, ABC

class seismicrna.graph.onetable.OneTableRelClusterGroupWriter(table: Table, **kwargs)

Bases: OneTableWriter, ABC

iter_graphs(*, rels: list[str], cgroup: str, **kwargs)

Yield every graph.

class seismicrna.graph.onetable.OneTableRunner

Bases: TableRunner, ABC

classmethod run(input_path: Iterable[str | Path], *, verify_times: bool, num_cpus: int, **kwargs)

Run graphing.

class seismicrna.graph.onetable.OneTableWriter(table: Table, **kwargs)

Bases: TableWriter, ABC

abstractmethod get_graph(*args, **kwargs) OneTableGraph

Return a graph instance.

property table

The table providing the data for the graph(s).

class seismicrna.graph.poscorr.PositionCorrelationGraph(*, dataset: MutsDataset, num_cpus: int, **kwargs)

Bases: PositionPairGraph, ABC

Phi correlations between pairs of positions.

classmethod get_pair_func()

Function to compare each pair of positions.

classmethod graph_kind()

Kind of graph.

classmethod what()

What is being graphed.

class seismicrna.graph.poscorr.PositionCorrelationRunner

Bases: PositionPairRunner

classmethod get_writer_type()

Type of Writer.

classmethod run(*args, **kwargs)

Run graphing.

class seismicrna.graph.poscorr.PositionCorrelationWriter(*, dataset: MutsDataset, **kwargs)

Bases: PositionPairWriter

classmethod graph_type()

Type of graph.

seismicrna.graph.poscorr.calc_phi(n: int | float | ndarray | Series, a: int | float | ndarray | Series | DataFrame, b: int | float | ndarray | Series | DataFrame, a_and_b: int | float | ndarray | Series | DataFrame)

Calculate the phi correlation coefficient for a 2x2 matrix.

.B .O ..


A. = AB + AO .B = AB + OB .. = A. + O. = .B + .O

  • n (int | float | np.ndarray | pd.Series) – Observations in total (..)

  • a (int | float | np.ndarray | pd.Series | pd.DataFrame) – Observations for which A is true, regardless of B (A.)

  • b (int | float | np.ndarray | pd.Series | pd.DataFrame) – Observations for which B is true, regardless of A (.B)

  • a_and_b (int | float | np.ndarray | pd.Series | pd.DataFrame) – Observations for which A and B are both true (AB)


Phi correlation coefficient

Return type:

float | np.ndarray | pd.Series | pd.DataFrame

class seismicrna.graph.pospair.PositionPairGraph(*, dataset: MutsDataset, num_cpus: int, **kwargs)

Bases: DatasetGraph, ABC

Function of pairs of positions.

property data

Data of the graph.

abstractmethod classmethod get_pair_func()

Function to compare each pair of positions.


Data traces of the graph.

property row_tracks

Track for each row of subplots.

property x_title

Title of the x-axis.

property y_title

Title of the y-axis.

class seismicrna.graph.pospair.PositionPairRunner

Bases: DatasetRunner, ABC

abstractmethod classmethod get_writer_type() type[PositionPairWriter]

Type of Writer.

class seismicrna.graph.pospair.PositionPairWriter(*, dataset: MutsDataset, **kwargs)

Bases: DatasetWriter

get_graph(rel, **kwargs)

Return a graph instance.

abstractmethod classmethod graph_type()

Type of graph.

class seismicrna.graph.profile.MultiRelsProfileGraph(*, rels: str, **kwargs)

Bases: MultiRelsGraph, ProfileGraph

Stacked bar graph with multiple relationships per position.

classmethod get_cmap_type()

Type of the color map.


Data traces of the graph.

classmethod what()

What is being graphed.

class seismicrna.graph.profile.OneRelProfileGraph(*, rel: str, **kwargs)

Bases: OneRelGraph, ProfileGraph

Bar graph with one relationship per position.

classmethod get_cmap_type()

Type of the color map.


Data traces of the graph.

classmethod what()

What is being graphed.

class seismicrna.graph.profile.ProfileGraph(*, table: Table | PositionTable | AbundanceTable, **kwargs)

Bases: OneTableRelClusterGroupGraph, ColorMapGraph, ABC

Bar graph of a mutational profile for one table.

property data

Data of the graph.

property data_header

Header of the selected data (not of the entire table).

classmethod graph_kind()

Kind of graph.

property x_title

Title of the x-axis.

property y_title

Title of the y-axis.

class seismicrna.graph.profile.ProfileRunner

Bases: OneTableRelClusterGroupRunner, PositionTableRunner

classmethod get_writer_type()

Type of Writer.

classmethod run(*args, **kwargs)

Run graphing.

class seismicrna.graph.profile.ProfileWriter(table: Table, **kwargs)

Bases: OneTableRelClusterGroupWriter

get_graph(rels_group: str, **kwargs)

Return a graph instance.

class seismicrna.graph.rel.MultiRelsGraph(*, rels: str, **kwargs)

Bases: RelGraph, ABC

Graph of one or more relationships.

property codestring

String of the relationship code(s).

property rel_names

Names of the relationships to graph.

class seismicrna.graph.rel.OneRelGraph(*, rel: str, **kwargs)

Bases: RelGraph, ABC

Graph of exactly one type of relationship.

property codestring

String of the relationship code(s).

property rel_name

Name of the relationship to graph.

property rel_names

Names of the relationships to graph.

class seismicrna.graph.rel.RelGraph

Bases: BaseGraph, ABC

Graph of one or more types of relationships.

abstract property codestring: str

String of the relationship code(s).

abstract property rel_names

Names of the relationships to graph.

property relationships: str

Relationships being graphed as a slash-separated string.

class seismicrna.graph.rel.RelRunner

Bases: BaseRunner, ABC

classmethod get_var_params()

Parameters that can vary among different classes.

class seismicrna.graph.roc.ROCGraph(*, struct_file: Path | None, struct_reg: str | None, branch: str, **kwargs)

Bases: StructOneTableGraph

Graph of a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve.

property data

Data of the graph.

property fpr

False positive rate (FPR) of each RNA state.


Data traces of the graph.

classmethod graph_kind()

Kind of graph.

property profile_names

Names of the profiles as they appear in the data.

property tpr

True positive rate (TPR) of each RNA state.

classmethod what()

What is being graphed.

property x_title

Title of the x-axis.

property y_title

Title of the y-axis.

class seismicrna.graph.roc.ROCRunner

Bases: StructOneTableRunner, PositionTableRunner

classmethod get_writer_type()

Type of Writer.

classmethod run(*args, **kwargs)

Run graphing.

class seismicrna.graph.roc.ROCWriter(table: Table, **kwargs)

Bases: StructOneTableWriter, TableWriter

get_graph(rels_group: str, **kwargs)

Return a graph instance.

seismicrna.graph.roc.rename_columns(df: DataFrame)

Rename the levels of the columns.

class seismicrna.graph.roll.RollingGraph(*, window: int, winmin: int, **kwargs)

Bases: TableGraph, ABC

property details

Additional details about the graph.

property predicate

Predicate of the graph.

property x_title

Title of the x-axis.

class seismicrna.graph.roll.RollingRunner

Bases: TableRunner, ABC

classmethod get_var_params()

Parameters that can vary among different classes.

class seismicrna.graph.scatter.ScatterGraph(*, metric: str, **kwargs)

Bases: TwoTableRelClusterGroupGraph, OneRelGraph, ColorMapGraph

property annotations

Text annotations for the figure.

property data

Data of the graph.

classmethod get_cmap_type()

Type of the color map.


Data traces of the graph.

classmethod graph_kind()

Kind of graph.

classmethod what()

What is being graphed.

property x_title

Title of the x-axis.

property xmax
property y_title

Title of the y-axis.

property ymax
class seismicrna.graph.scatter.ScatterRunner

Bases: TwoTableRelClusterGroupRunner, PositionTableRunner

classmethod get_var_params()

Parameters that can vary among different classes.

classmethod get_writer_type()

Type of Writer.

classmethod run(*args, **kwargs)

Run graphing.

class seismicrna.graph.scatter.ScatterWriter(table1: Table, table2: Table, **kwargs)

Bases: TwoTableRelClusterGroupWriter

classmethod get_graph_type()

Type of graph.

class seismicrna.graph.snrroll.RollingSNRGraph(*, table: Table | PositionTable | AbundanceTable, **kwargs)

Bases: RollingStatGraph

classmethod graph_kind()

Kind of graph.

classmethod stat_func()

Function to compute a statistic on the data.

classmethod what()

What is being graphed.

property y_title

Title of the y-axis.

class seismicrna.graph.snrroll.RollingSNRRunner

Bases: RollingStatRunner

classmethod get_writer_type()

Type of Writer.

classmethod run(*args, **kwargs)

Run graphing.

class seismicrna.graph.snrroll.RollingSNRWriter(table: Table, **kwargs)

Bases: RollingStatWriter

classmethod get_graph_type()

Type of graph.

class seismicrna.graph.statroll.RollingStatGraph(*, table: Table | PositionTable | AbundanceTable, **kwargs)

Bases: OneTableRelClusterGroupGraph, OneRelGraph, RollingGraph, ABC

property data

Data of the graph.


Data traces of the graph.

abstractmethod classmethod stat_func() Callable[[Series], Series]

Function to compute a statistic on the data.

class seismicrna.graph.statroll.RollingStatRunner

Bases: OneTableRelClusterGroupRunner, RollingRunner, PositionTableRunner, ABC

class seismicrna.graph.statroll.RollingStatWriter(table: Table, **kwargs)

Bases: OneTableRelClusterGroupWriter, TableWriter, ABC

get_graph(rels_group: str, **kwargs)

Return a graph instance.

abstractmethod classmethod get_graph_type() type[RollingGraph]

Type of graph.

class seismicrna.graph.table.AbundanceTableRunner

Bases: TableRunner, ABC

classmethod get_input_loader()

Function to load input files.

class seismicrna.graph.table.PositionTableRunner

Bases: RelTableRunner, ABC

classmethod get_input_loader()

Function to load input files.

class seismicrna.graph.table.ReadTableRunner

Bases: RelTableRunner, ABC

classmethod get_input_loader()

Function to load input files.

class seismicrna.graph.table.RelTableGraph(*, quantile: float, **kwargs)

Bases: TableGraph, RelGraph, ABC

property details

Additional details about the graph.

property predicate

Predicate of the graph.

class seismicrna.graph.table.RelTableRunner

Bases: RelRunner, TableRunner, ABC

classmethod get_var_params()

Parameters that can vary among different classes.

class seismicrna.graph.table.TableGraph(*, use_ratio: bool, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseGraph, ABC

Graph based on one or more tables.

property data_kind

either “ratio” or “count”.


Kind of data being used

class seismicrna.graph.table.TableRunner

Bases: BaseRunner, ABC

classmethod get_var_params()

Parameters that can vary among different classes.

abstractmethod classmethod get_writer_type() type[TableWriter]

Type of Writer.

class seismicrna.graph.table.TableWriter(*tables: Table, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseWriter, ABC

abstractmethod iter_graphs(*args, **kwargs) Generator[TableGraph, None, None]

Yield every graph.

seismicrna.graph.table.load_abundance_tables(input_paths: Iterable[str | Path], **kwargs)

Load read tables.

seismicrna.graph.table.load_pos_tables(input_paths: Iterable[str | Path], **kwargs)

Load position tables.

seismicrna.graph.table.load_read_tables(input_paths: Iterable[str | Path], **kwargs)

Load read tables.

seismicrna.graph.trace.get_hist_trace(data: Series, rel: str, cmap: ColorMap)
seismicrna.graph.trace.get_line_trace(gini: Series, cluster: str)
seismicrna.graph.trace.get_pairwise_position_trace(data: Series, end5: int, end3: int)
seismicrna.graph.trace.get_roc_trace(fpr: Series, tpr: Series, profile: str, struct: str)
seismicrna.graph.trace.get_rolling_auc_trace(auc: Series, profile: str, struct: str)
seismicrna.graph.trace.get_seq_base_bar_trace(data: Series, cmap: ColorMap, base: str)
seismicrna.graph.trace.get_seq_base_scatter_trace(xdata: Series, ydata: Series, cmap: ColorMap, base: str)
seismicrna.graph.trace.get_seq_line_trace(data: Series)
seismicrna.graph.trace.get_seq_stack_bar_trace(data: Series, rel: str, cmap: ColorMap)
seismicrna.graph.trace.iter_hist_traces(data: DataFrame, cmap: ColorMap)
seismicrna.graph.trace.iter_line_traces(lines: DataFrame)
seismicrna.graph.trace.iter_roc_traces(fprs: DataFrame, tprs: DataFrame, profile: str)
seismicrna.graph.trace.iter_rolling_auc_traces(aucs: DataFrame, profile: str)
seismicrna.graph.trace.iter_seq_base_bar_traces(data: Series, cmap: ColorMap)
seismicrna.graph.trace.iter_seq_base_scatter_traces(xdata: Series, ydata: Series, cmap: ColorMap)
seismicrna.graph.trace.iter_seq_line_traces(data: Series, *_, **__)
seismicrna.graph.trace.iter_seqbar_stack_traces(data: DataFrame, cmap: ColorMap)
seismicrna.graph.trace.iter_stack_bar_traces(data: DataFrame)
class seismicrna.graph.twotable.TwoTableGraph(*, out_dir: str | Path, table1: Table | PositionTable, table2: Table | PositionTable, **kwargs)

Bases: TableGraph, ABC

Graph of two Tables.

property action1

Action that generated dataset 1.

property action2

Action that generated dataset 2.

property action_sample1

Action and sample of dataset 1.

property action_sample2

Action and sample of dataset 2.

property branches

Branches of the workflow.

property ref

Name of the reference sequence from which the data come.

property reg

Name of the reference region from which the data come.

property sample

Name(s) of the sample(s) from which the data come.

property sample1

Name of sample 1.

property sample2

Name of sample 2.

property seq

Sequence of the region from which the data come.

property title_action_sample

Action and sample for the title.

property top

Path of the top-level output directory for all files.

class seismicrna.graph.twotable.TwoTableMergedClusterGroupGraph(*, k1: int | None, clust1: int | None, k2: int | None, clust2: int | None, **kwargs)

Bases: TwoTableRelClusterGroupGraph, ABC

Graph of a pair of datasets over the same sequence in which the data series are merged in some fashion into another series, and the original data are not graphed directly.

property data

Data of the graph.


Data traces of the graph.

class seismicrna.graph.twotable.TwoTableRelClusterGroupGraph(*, k1: int | None, clust1: int | None, k2: int | None, clust2: int | None, **kwargs)

Bases: TwoTableGraph, RelTableGraph, ClusterGroupGraph, ABC

property col_tracks

Track for each column of subplots.

property data1

Data from table 1.

property data2

Data from table 2.

property path_subject

Subject of the graph.

property path_subject1

Name of subject 1.

property path_subject2

Name of subject 2.

property row_tracks

Track for each row of subplots.

class seismicrna.graph.twotable.TwoTableRelClusterGroupRunner

Bases: TwoTableRunner, RelTableRunner, ClusterGroupRunner, ABC

class seismicrna.graph.twotable.TwoTableRelClusterGroupWriter(table1: Table, table2: Table, **kwargs)

Bases: TwoTableWriter, ABC

iter_graphs(*, rels: list[str], cgroup: str, **kwargs)

Yield every graph.

class seismicrna.graph.twotable.TwoTableRunner

Bases: TableRunner, ABC

classmethod get_var_params()

Parameters that can vary among different classes.

abstractmethod classmethod get_writer_type() type[TwoTableWriter]

Type of Writer.

classmethod run(input_path: Iterable[str | Path], *, compself: bool, comppair: bool, verify_times: bool, num_cpus: int, **kwargs)

Run graphing.

class seismicrna.graph.twotable.TwoTableWriter(table1: Table, table2: Table, **kwargs)

Bases: TableWriter, ABC

Write the proper types of graphs for two given tables.

abstractmethod classmethod get_graph_type(*args, **kwargs) type[TwoTableGraph]

Type of graph.

property table1

The first table providing the data for the graph(s).

property table2

The second table providing the data for the graph(s).

seismicrna.graph.twotable.iter_table_pairs(tables: Iterable[Table])

Yield every pair of tables whose reference and region match.