Input formats

SEISMIC-graph is compatible with the SEISMIC-output format, the shape-mapper format, and the RNA framework format. These formats are defined below.


The input format is a JSON file. The data is stored on a 4 levels hierarchical structure: sample, reference, section, and cluster. Each level contains metadata and instances of the next level. Metadata names start with a “#” sign.


  • sample level: contains metadata about the whole file (ex: temperature, salt concentration, sample name, etc) and a list of its references.

  • reference level: A reference is the name of a sequence (for example, in a fasta file). The reference level contains metadata about one specific whole sequence (ex: number of aligned reads, RNA family, etc), and a list of its sections.

  • section level: A section is a subset of a sequence. For example, a specific region of interest, or simply the whole sequence. The section level contains metadata about one specific region (ex: name, sequence, structure and free energy prediction using RNAstructure, etc) and a list of its clusters.

  • cluster level: A cluster is an aggregation of certain reads based on their mutation profile (ref DREEM, DRACO, and DANCEmap). The average cluster contains all reads. The reactivity signal, the base coverage and other signals are contained in the cluster.

Cluster level data

  • positions: An array giving the one indexed positions.

  • cov: An array giving the number of valid reads per position, non-including deleted bases.

  • del: An array giving the number of deletions per position.

  • info: An array giving the number of valid reads per position, including deleted bases.

  • ins: An array giving the number of insertions per position.

  • sub_{base}: An array giving the number of reads that mutated to this base for each position. N includes all bases.

  • sub_hist: A histogram of the number of mutations per read.

  • sub_rate: An array giving the substitution rate for each position. This is computed by dividing sub_N by info.


  "#sample": "this sample's name",
  "#temperature_K": 310,
  "a reference" : {
      "#num_aligned": 1998,
      "a section": {
          "#sequence": "TTAAACCGGCCAACATCAA",
          "average": {
              "name": "average",
              "positions": ["one indexed positions"],
              "cov": ["some values"],
              "del": ["some values"],
              "info": ["some values"],
              "ins": ["some values"],
              "sub_A": ["some values"],
              "sub_C": ["some values"],
              "sub_G": ["some values"],
              "sub_T": ["some values"],
              "sub_N": ["some values"],
              "sub_hist": ["some values"],
              "sub_rate": ["some values"]
          "some other cluster": {   },
      "some other section": {   },
  "some other reference": {   },


A definition of the shape-mapper format can be found here.

Format example

# name: sample_name/reference_name.txt

Nucleotide    Sequence        Modified_mutations      Modified_read_depth     Modified_effective_depth        Modified_rate   Modified_off_target_mapped_depth        Modified_low_mapq_mapped_depth  Modified_primer_pair_1_mapped_depth     Untreated_mutations     Untreated_read_depth    Untreated_effective_depth       Untreated_rate  Untreated_off_target_mapped_depth       Untreated_low_mapq_mapped_depth Untreated_primer_pair_1_mapped_depth    Denatured_mutations     Denatured_read_depth    Denatured_effective_depth       Denatured_rate  Denatured_off_target_mapped_depth       Denatured_low_mapq_mapped_depth Denatured_primer_pair_1_mapped_depth    Reactivity_profile      Std_err HQ_profile      HQ_stderr       Norm_profile    Norm_stderr
1     U       3       5835    4214    0.000712        127     0       5835    3       6037    4225    0.000710        76      0       6037    6       5943    4189    0.001432        166     0       5943    0.001294        0.405299        0.001294        0.405299        0.000579        0.181487
2     C       13      5852    4264    0.003049        128     0       5852    16      6052    4415    0.003624        76      0       6052    29      5957    4266    0.006798        166     0       5957    -0.084618       0.182980        -0.084618       0.182980        -0.037891       0.081936
3     G       86      5874    4756    0.018082        129     0       5874    95      6087    4933    0.019258        76      0       6087    102     5996    4502    0.022657        166     0       5996    -0.051889       0.122631        -0.051889       0.122631        -0.023235       0.054913
4     G       39      5926    5138    0.007591        129     0       5926    53      6168    5417    0.009784        77      0       6168    199     6048    5041    0.039476        167     0       6048    -0.055565       0.046071        -0.055565       0.046071        -0.024881       0.020630
5     G       27      5970    5378    0.005020        129     0       5970    50      6215    5784    0.008645        77      0       6215    55      6087    5297    0.010383        168     0       6087    -0.349032       0.157278        -0.349032       0.157278        -0.156292       0.070427

Conversion to SEISMIC format


The shape-mapper files are converted map 3 samples, modified, untreated and denatured.

The columns are converted to a SEISMIC format as follows:

  • Nucleotide: positions

  • Sequence: sequence

Then for each sample:

  • {sample}_read_depth: cov

  • {sample}_effective_depth: info

  • {sample}_mutations: sub_N

  • {sample}_rate: sub_rate


The sample are named {sample_name}_{sample_type} where sample_name is the folder name and sample_type is modified, untreated or denatured. The reference is the file name. The section is full by default. The cluster is pop_avg by default.


We write the shape-mapper file above into a file my_example_sample/my_example_ref.txt. The SEISMIC format is:

# sample: my_example_sample

  # sample: my_example_sample-untreated

  # sample: my_example_sample-denatured

RNA framework format

Format example

# name: example_rnaf/sample_name_R1_001_count_data.txt


Conversion to SEISMIC format

Mapping for the .txt format:

  • The first line is the reference name.

  • The second line is the sequence.

  • The third line is the number of mutations per position.

  • The fourth line is the number of reads per position.

  "#sample": "example_rnaf",
  "HFE_amp_1": {
    "full": {
      "average": {
        "positions": [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25
        "cov": [138,201,273,311,353,404,421,472,494,503,508,512,512,512,513,513,513,513,513,513,513,513,513,513,513
        "sub_rate": [1,0.31343283582089554,0.26373626373626374,0.12218649517684887,0.11898016997167139,0.12623762376237624,0.040380047505938245,0.10805084745762712,0.044534412955465584,0.017892644135188866,0.00984251968503937,0.0078125,0,0,0.001949317738791423,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
  "HFE_amp_2": {
    "full": {
      "average": {
        "positions": [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25
        "cov": [440,506,568,601,612,621,628,635,642,656,659,663,665,668,683,701,712,713,719,724,728,728,730,732,733
        "sub_rate": [1,0.13043478260869565,0.10915492957746478,0.05490848585690516,0.017973856209150325,0.014492753623188406,0.011146496815286623,0.011023622047244094,0.010903426791277258,0.021341463414634148,0.004552352048558422,0.006033182503770739,0.0030075187969924814,0.004491017964071856,0.021961932650073207,0.025677603423680456,0.01544943820224719,0.001402524544179523,0.008344923504867872,0.006906077348066298,0.005494505494505495,0,0.0027397260273972603,0.00273224043715847,0.001364256480218281